GDevCon is an independent conference open to all graphical developers.
Organised by leaders in the LabVIEW™ community, GDevCon is focused on delivering world-class graphical programming material covering a wide spread of topics relevant to today’s discerning developer.
Three day conference
Presentations by LabVIEW & Graphical Developer peers from around the world
Run by community leaders
Independent from system vendors
Focused on real problems encountered everyday by graphical developers
We understand the value of conversation so our conferences include plenty of time for discussion, networking and collaboration with your peers to deliver the best learning experience.
To be first in line for updates and other news register below!
Is the event open to everyone?
Yes! GDevCon is open to everyone regardless of qualification or competence.
How technical is the content?
If you’re interested in building on your knowledge of medium to large scale LabVIEW solutions then this conference is for you! You can find the agenda from 2024 here.
Sounds great! What’s the cost?
GDevCon is operated as a not-for-profit organisation, all money raised covers the costs associated with hosting our events. There is therefore a fee to attend. Tickets for 2025 will be priced at £550 + UK VAT, Early Bird offer will be available.
How can I get hold of a ticket?
Ticket for GDevCon#6 will be on sale from 10th March 2025, you can access the ticketing site here.
And where will GDevCon be held?
GDevCon#6 is being held on 9-11 September 2025 at Brighton Dome (Brighton, UK).
Can I volunteer to present?
Our call for GDevCon#6 presenters opened on 1st February 2025, the link to submit your abstract is https://www.papercall.io/gdevcon6. Our presenter pack is available here.
What's the Tech Cave?
This is a technology exhibit, for GDevCon#5 this was sponsored by Pickering Interfaces and GI Systems. We had additional exhibitors - Farnell, Beckhoff and Konrad Technologies.
Are you looking for sponsors?
Most definitely! Email admin@gdevcon.com to contact the GDevCon team.
Do you have any information I can use to share with my colleagues and employers?
Yes! We have created a file of information that you can use to put forward your case for sponsorship or attendance. Why not also take a look at our event report from 2024.
Can I get NI recertification points for attending?
Absolutely you can! Attendees will receive 15 points for attending, and receive an attendance certificate.